This tutorial will guide you through the process of installing Superset, a modern, enterprise-ready business intelligence web application built on Flask and powered by Apache Superset, on FreeBSD Latest.
Before we begin, ensure that you have the following:
- A FreeBSD Latest server with root access
- Python 3.6 or higher installed
- Git installed
Install necessary dependencies:
$ sudo pkg install gcc python3 freetype2 jpeg openblas postgresql96-server
Start PostgreSQL and enable it to start automatically on boot:
$ sudo service postgresql initdb $ sudo sysrc postgresql_enable=YES $ sudo service postgresql start
Install pip and virtualenv using python3:
$ python3 -m ensurepip
$ python3 -m venv env
$ source env/bin/activate
(env)$ pip install --upgrade pip setuptools
Clone the Superset repository from Github:
(env)$ git clone
Change your current directory to Superset:
(env)$ cd incubator-superset
Install Superset and it's dependencies:
(env)$ pip install -r requirements.txt (env)$ pip install superset
Initialize Superset by running the initialization script:
(env)$ superset db upgrade (env)$ superset init
Create an Apache Superset user account:
(env)$ fabmanager create-admin --app superset
Start Superset:
(env)$ superset run -p 8088 -h --with-threads --reload --debugger
Open your web browser and navigate to the following address to access Superset:
Congratulations! You have successfully installed Superset on FreeBSD Latest.
In this tutorial, we covered the installation process of Apache Superset on FreeBSD Latest. You should now have Superset up and running with an admin account created. From here, you can configure and customize Superset according to your needs.
If you want to self-host in an easy, hands free way, need an external IP address, or simply want your data in your own hands, give a try!
Alternatively, for the best virtual desktop, try Shells!